Pass environment through rlogin

Chris Torek chris at
Wed Nov 22 09:00:22 AEST 1989

In article <14137 at boulder.Colorado.EDU> skwu at boulder.Colorado.EDU
(WU SHI-KUEI) writes:
>Once more already yet again, Jonathan is wroooong!!!  System V (and even
>never made available Release 4 before it) 'login' allows setting
>environmental variables on the command line.

And in the process, opens a number of security holes.

>MORAL: the world is more than just BSD, thank goodness.

Right: how else could we have something to compare against that makes
us look so good? :-)

(Actually, under 4.3BSD, `login -p' preserves the environment.  As always,
it must be used with care.)
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain:	chris at	Path:	uunet!mimsy!chris

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