vi editor enhancement request

Gerald Partsch gsp98 at wash08.uucp
Fri Nov 17 11:50:05 AEST 1989

In article <5530 at ethz-inf.UUCP> wyle at ethz.UUCP (Mitchell Wyle) writes:
>In article <456 at tron.UUCP> wali at tron.UUCP (Saleem Wali) writes:
>> (vi editor) Is there anyone who knows of a utility which allows "vi" to
>> display various information, e.g., the filename, time, and
>> whether I am in the insert mode or in the command mode, at the top of 
>> the screen.
>The control-G command will give you file name, if modified, line number and
>current position as a percentage.    :set modeline might also help.
>Vi intentionally does not put all kinds of crap on your screen (like
>wordstar) other than the text.  This philosophy helps at low baud rates; I
>admit that "modes" is a weakness, but you can get used to them.
>>**   Westinghouse Electric Corp.   *    New on the job                  **
>If you  hack the sources of stevie or the "S" vi clones to put up this mode
>stuff on the top line, please post them.
>-Mitch (vi fanatic) Wyle

If you include the following lines in your ".exrc" file, you will get 
a status line at the bottom of the screen that displays "INPUT MODE"
when you are in input mode and displays nothing when in command mode.
They also number the lines in the file.

		set showmode
		set number

A <ctrl-G> displays the following information:

	"filename" line x of y -- % --

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