nslookup and IP addresses

Jon Granrose odin at ucscb.UCSC.EDU
Tue Nov 28 15:19:28 AEST 1989

	Can anyone tell me a reliable way to find the site name associated
with a given IP address?  Example:  say I have address which
happens to be a local machine ssyx.ucsc.edu.  Now if I didn't know that, how
would I figure out the site name short of ftping or telneting, or looking in
HOSTS.TXT?  Anyone?


|Jon Granrose        |ARPA: odin at ucscb.UCSC.EDU   jonathan at sco.com |  // Only |
|Cowell College, UCSC|      74036.3241 at compuserve.com              |\X/ Amiga!|
|Santa Cruz, CA 95064|UUCP:..!ucbvax!ucscc!ucscb!odin Bitnet:odin at ucscb.bitnet|
|      "Remember!  No matter where you go, there you are." - B. Banzai        |

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