Convert 'a' to 'A' in a Shell-Script

Andy Sun Anu-guest sun at
Sun Feb 3 19:03:36 AEST 1991

koe at kivax.UUCP (Diana Koehler) writes:

>How can I convert "lowercase" characters in "uppercase" characters
>in a Shell-Script.
>f.e. convert all 'a' to 'A' ?
>(awk, sed ??)

>Thanks in advance



>Diana Koehler                     Tel.:   +49 7721 867034
>Kienzle Computersysteme
>Abt. 011.2                        e-mail: koe at kivax.UUCP
>Postfach 1640                             ..!mcsun!unido!kivax!koe
>D-7730 VS-Villingen                       ..!uunet!unido!kivax!koe

I know you'll probably get lots of replies from people because the
above is a trivial one. There is a command called "tr" (for translate,
I think it is a SysV command) that does translations. Typing

		tr A-Z a-z filename

will convert all upper cases to lower cases in file filename.


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