Nroff requests list

Jamie Mason jmason at
Thu Feb 28 13:28:29 AEST 1991

     Does anyone have a complete list, in  a  file,  of  the
[nt]roff  requests.  The man pages list all the macros in MS
and ME, but I need a list of the built-in requests.  My  man
pages do not provide this list.

     Currently, I have to look it up  in  a  *PAPER*  *BOOK*
that I have to borrow from a *LIBRARY*!  I would really much
rather search a text file with good ol' egrep.  :-)

     Also, is there a more appropriate group for  discussing
*roff?   It  seems to me that, yes, it *IS* a Unix question,
but there must be a specialised group which discusses  these
utilities,  like  there  is  a comp.editors fro editors, and
comp.mail for mailers, and so forth.

     Thanks in advance.

Jamie  ...  "Who was that Masked Interrupt?"
Written On  Wednesday, February 27, 1991  at  09:25:04pm EST

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