What about a Microport System V/386 3.0.1e --> 3.2.2 Upgrade?

Richard Ducoty duc at mport.UUCP
Sat Oct 27 01:46:40 AEST 1990

wolf paul writes:

>Richard Ducoty writes:
>) Microport's S5R4 and 3.2.2 both have online man pages
>) Richard Ducoty
>) Microport Inc
>) 408 438-8649

>So now there is a Microport 3.2.2 product, where is the upgrade offer
>for users of the old Microport System V/386 product? Or a possible
>S5R3 => S5R4 upgrade offer?


Have you contacted Microport about this?  because there is an upgrade path
for 3.0 -> 3.2.2/4.0   Here is part of upcoming letter concerning our 
upgrade policy:


Microport supports four AT&T UNIX System V platforms for Intel processors:
Release 2, Release 3, Release 3.2, Release 4.  We are pleased to offer 
discounts to Microport users who wish to exchange one release for another.
Discounts apply only to the modules which are presented for exchange  --
one Runtime for another Runtime, one Complete for another Complete.

The Runtime trade-in discount is 25%.  The Complete System trade-in discount
is 40%.  We must receive the original system diskettes and a letter certiying
that the original system installation has been removed from the hard drive and
all backup copies destroyed before we can ship the new release at the dis-
counted price.

The exchange program does not apply to Developers Release Programs or
Extended Support Agreements.  However, a pro rata credit for the balance of 
Extended Support still in force on the trade-in can be applied to the purchase
of Extended Support for the new release.


PS. Prices are subject to change without notice


Microport Inc
30 Janis Way  Suite 					duc at mport.com
Scotts Valley, CA 95066					uunet!mport!com
408 438-8649

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