-Xp optionin ISC cc

Saul Lubkin lubkin at cs.rochester.edu
Wed Apr 24 00:56:57 AEST 1991

The ISC cc links in some startup code from /lib -- I think crt[01].o
-- on invocation.  Apparantly, when "-Xp" is used, alternative POSIX
compliant startup code is used instead -- perhaps crtp[01].o, or 
something else.

/lib contains crt[01].o, crtn.o, crtp[01].o, mcrt[01].o, mcrtp1.o,
pcrt[01].o and pcrtp1.o.

Could someone enlighten me as to which of these are linked in when?

This is relevant to my trying to create a useable job control support
version of bash for ISC 2.2.  I have made a job control bash -- but it
causes a system panic when vpix is run under it.


				Saul Lubkin

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