Motif on ISC 2.2

Siamak Ghasemian siamak at
Thu Apr 25 04:54:26 AEST 1991

   Does anybody have a Motif 1.1.1 release for ISC UNIX (Rel. 2.2)?
   I realize that you need the X11R4 Intrinsics to run Motif 1.1.1 and
   that ISC's X release is based on X11R3.

Metro Link has been selling Motif 1.1 (and X11.4) since last November..
They will have Motif 1.1.2 out shortly after OSF releases it.  And, they
currently include a shared library version of Motif's libXm.a which greatly 
reduces memory requirements (as I undertand it, this was no small feat 
considering the construction of Motif on the inside... ie: Motif isn't 
very pretty...)

BTW, their X11.4 server currently supports several 8514 boards (upto
1280x1024x256), the Hercules Graphics Station and NEC MGE TIGA based
graphics boards with several 34020 based cards shortly, the Truevision
TARGA16 and TARGA PLUS and various asundry vga/svga cards.  Oh, and the
HGSC and TARGA support 16bit truecolor (ie: 32767 real colors simultaneously.)

They can be reached at 305-970-7353  or  sales at  (ask for
Morgan and tell him Siamak sent you :-)


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