Talking to an EtherCard Plus TP

Robert Innes innes at
Thu Jan 24 10:32:19 AEST 1991

	I am looking for a way to talk to our Ethernet card, WD 8003.

	What I am tring to do is get some statistics off the card so we 
	can do some snooping here.  I am cheap so I figured that there should
	be a way to ask the driver what's going on.

	What I have done so far is do an IOCTL to the driver passing some of
	the structures from the WD header file, this is under Interactive Unix.
	It seems to have some function calls do get statistics off the board 
	but I have had no luck in getting any useful info from it.

	I would like to know if anyone here has done this or knows how to
	go about doing it as I have had little practice in doing somthing
	along this line (spelled NOVICE, so be gentle :-) ).

	Feel free to send Email.
Robert Innes                     |  Extnet:  rinnes at
NDSU Extension Service           |  BITNET:  nu172300 at ndsuvm1.BITNET
North Dakota State University    |  Internet:innes at

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