ISC NFS ulimit and su

Heimir Thor Sverrisson heimir at
Thu Jun 27 10:18:12 AEST 1991

I've just installed NFS 2.1 on my 386/486 machines running ISC 2.2 and ran
into two problems.

1) I cannot specify root access from my client in /etc/exports. I've also
   seen this limitation in other ports of NFS, but most of them have solved
   this.  Is there a fix/upgrade available somewhere for this?

2) I cannot copy a file that is bigger than 4096 blocks onto a NFS-mounted
   filesystem, even though I've raised ULIMIT to 122000 in /etc/default/login.
   How come?

Any kind of info on these points would be well received.
Heimir Thor Sverrisson 		heimir at
Laugavegi 13
101 Reykjavik

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