Need help in buying tape drive

Madison MadMan Miles seth at
Thu Jun 13 14:04:13 AEST 1991

Hello, It's me again. The guy who bought UNIX from DELL and found out
that I had to have a tape drive to get it. I need some advice on
which drive to get. The tape that I have is a 1/4" cartridge that is
a DC6150 tape. It is formatted at 150 megs. I need to know of the
cheapest tape drive that I can get to read it. Yes I have a Computer
Shopper but I don't know which one to get. Dell wants $799 for theirs,
but I know that I can do better than that. Any advice or specific ads
will be greatly appreciated.
If you have one and live near Purdue, I would love to borrow one.
Thanx in advance.

				Madison Miles
				seth at

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