Problem: booting VAX station 3200 off uVAX II (3.0)

Brian J. Hafner hafner at
Sat May 27 08:18:30 AEST 1989

In article <1094 at> hafner at (Brian J. Hafner) writes:
>I'm having trouble booting a diskless monochrome Vax Station 3200 off
>of a uVax II running 3.0.  It down loads the operating system fine,
>recognizes its devices, mounts root, mounts swap, and hangs.  The last message
>states the swap size: 32000+ blocks (16M).  Both /var/diskless/dlenv0 and
>/var/diskless/dlclient0 are in the same physical partition.  Further,
>I have a symbolic link from /var/diskless to /home/machine/diskless.
>The server has two ethernet interfaces, but I ran dms with only the
>client net interface configured (I also took the other internet address out
>of yp and the local /etc/hosts).
>I have tried the /etc/exports fix posted by Hurf Sheldon at Chris
>Siebenmann's suggestion.  It didn't seem to help.

Well, I managed to get the diskless workstations to boot.  I removed
the symbolic link for dlclient0 and put it back into /var (it barely fit).
I think if I had messed with /etc/exports enough, I could of forced
the beasties to boot with dlclient0 in /home/machine/diskless/dlclient0.

After they booted for the first time, I modified the client's fstab
and the servers /etc/exports so I could mount the server's /usr on
the client's /usr (instead of /var/diskless/dlenv0/root0.vax).
Why DEC thinks there should always be two seperate /usr partitions,
I have no idea.

Many thanks to those who made suggestions.

Brian J. Hafner
System Programmer for the Computer Systems Group (CSG)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
hafner at

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