Problem: booting VAX station 3200 off uVAX II (3.0)

Brian J. Hafner hafner at
Tue May 23 05:01:21 AEST 1989

I'm having trouble booting a diskless monochrome Vax Station 3200 off
of a uVax II running 3.0.  It down loads the operating system fine,
recognizes its devices, mounts root, mounts swap, and hangs.  The last message
states the swap size: 32000+ blocks (16M).  Both /var/diskless/dlenv0 and
/var/diskless/dlclient0 are in the same physical partition.  Further,
I have a symbolic link from /var/diskless to /home/machine/diskless.
The server has two ethernet interfaces, but I ran dms with only the
client net interface configured (I also took the other internet address out
of yp and the local /etc/hosts).

I have tried the /etc/exports fix posted by Hurf Sheldon at Chris
Siebenmann's suggestion.  It didn't seem to help.

Any other ideas?


Brian J. Hafner
System Programmer for the Computer Systems Group (CSG)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
hafner at

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