Fsck 2.2 vs 3.0

Rick Watson rick at ut-emx.UUCP
Fri May 12 10:11:59 AEST 1989

Why doesn't fsck think my disks were "unmounted cleanly" when I 
switch between Ultrix 2.2 and 3.0?  I'm shutting down with 
"/etc/shutdown -h now".  This doesn't occur if I reboot the system
that was running.

Is there a workaround?  Is there something dangerous happening that
I should know about?

Rick Watson
University of Texas Computation Center
 arpa:   watson at utadnx.cc.utexas.edu (
 uucp:   ...cs.utexas.edu!ut-emx!rick
 bitnet: watson at utadnx
 span:   utspan::watson (UTSPAN is 25.128)
 phone:  512/471-8220 512/471-3241

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