Multivolume dumps via dump | compress | dd

Mark Litwack litwack at
Tue Mar 20 09:35:55 AEST 1990

In article <25276 at ut-emx.UUCP> jeff at writes:
: I'm trying to save some space and time by compressing my dumps before writing
: them to tk50 on my DS3100 running UWS 2.1.  I use
:       dump 0ucf - /usr | compress | dd of=/dev/rmt0h obs=60k
: to write a dump, which seems to work fine. dd prompts me to replace
: cartridges
: when appropriate, and dump seems happy.
: A restore of the form
:       dd if=/dev/rmt0h ibs=60k | uncompress | restore if -
: works, until the end of the first tape is reached.

It seems to me that using compress for doing backups is not a good idea.
If you get a bad spot on your tape and cannot read it, the rest of your tape
will be unreadable since uncompress cannot continue uncompressing with
missing blocks in the middle of the file.

Restore by itself will at least attempt to re-sync itself if it encounters
bad areas on the tape.

Dump really needs to do a compress for each file it saves.


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