Ultrix/X (more questions)

Erik C. Sowa sowa at amdew.llnl.gov
Tue Jan 8 12:19:11 AEST 1991

I have been following the thread about putting X11R4 up on Ultrix 4.x.
It seems that, for me, the best solution would be to keep running the
dec servers and have a build directory for making R4 clients and other
stuff from the archives. Does anyone have any suggestions for making
such a build directory painlessly? Perhaps a special file site.def?

I also ran into the problem with the include files, e.g. pmreg.h, which
were moved between ultrix 3.1 and 4.0. I found most of them, but
dc7085cons.h is nowhere to be found. Is this the same as the 4.0 file

When running the new R4 xmh under DECwindows, the meta-key shortcuts do
not work. twm and emacs both use the compose-character key for meta, why
doesn't this work here? Do I need to remake the Athena widgets with some
special attention to this @#$%#%^@$ keyboard?

xterm would not compile at all. There was a problem with a line
something like
  fileno(stderr) = i

Thanks for any help...

***** Wahoo 5 *****
erik sowa (sowa at amdew.llnl.gov, sowa at cms1.llnl.gov)

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