Installing DEC-VT1300's and EWS

Vince Fuller vaf at Valinor.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jun 27 05:44:27 AEST 1991

Hi. We just received the first of several DEC-VT1300 X-terminals and I have a couple of questions about installation and support of them:

    1. Is it possible to support the VT1300's from a server system which does
       not run DECNet at all?

    2. Is it possible for the server system to be located one or more IP router
       hops away from the client VT1300's?

I would hope that the answer to #1 is "yes", but the references to the DECNet /etc/addnode and /etc/remnode utilities in the VAXELN documentation and in the /etc/ewsaddnode script suggest otherwise.

I might also hope that the answer to #2 is "yes", but I suspect that it is not the case, given the apparent dependancy of the VT1300 on MOP. If the answer is indeed "no", this represents what I consider to be a major lack of functionality in the VT1300 product and a major competitive disadvantage.

	Vince Fuller, Stanford University

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