Replacing the banner message, too long?

Peter Murray pemurray at
Tue Jun 25 01:59:20 AEST 1991

I have a question about the 'im' (Initial Message) entry the /etc/gettytab
file.  We recently tried to change the message to include information such as
the name of the machine, how to log on, etc, and ran into a very interesting
problem.  The message itself would cover most of the screen, but getty only
displays the first 4 lines and says "Gettytab entry too long".  I understand
what "too long" is ( :-) ), but how long is too long, and is there any way
around it.

If it requires replacing 'getty', then so be it.  Please give me a pointer to
the source for a replacement getty.

Thanks in advance!

 Peter Murray	                      610 S. Locust, Apt 64, Oxford, OH 45056
 Systems Specialist, University Libraries       pmurray at
 Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

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