vt220 termcap/.randrc posted to net.sources

Gary K. Sloane sloane at noscvax.UUCP
Sat Aug 11 07:06:11 AEST 1984

A termcap and .randrc file (for the Rand editor) have been posted
by myself to net.sources. This is a reposting, due to the frequent
requests I have recieved. If you got it last time, there have been
no changes (:-} it actually works!).

* **************************************************************** *
* Gary K. Sloane/Computer Sciences Corporation/San Diego, CA 92110 *
* DDD: (619) 225-8401                                              *
* MILNET: sloane at nosc                                              *
* UUCP: [ihnp4,akgua,decvax,dcdwest,ucbvax]!sdcsvax!noscvax!sloane *
* **************************************************************** *
    * **************************************************************** *
    * Gary K. Sloane/Computer Sciences Corporation/San Diego, CA 92110 *
    * DDD: (619) 225-8401                                              *
    * MILNET: sloane at nosc                                              *
    * UUCP: [ihnp4,akgua,decvax,dcdwest,ucbvax]!sdcsvax!noscvax!sloane *
    * **************************************************************** *

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