Help needed with SC750/eagle and panic when used for swapping.

Spencer W. Thomas thomas at utah-gr.UUCP
Mon Oct 15 13:20:05 AEST 1984

>*	From: dbr at cybvax0.UUCP (Douglas Robinson)
>	... the system panics with the following:
>	hp1: not ready
>	hp1X: hard error snYYYY mbsr=13100<ATTN,DTCMP,DTABT,MXF> \
>		er1=4<RMR> er2=100000<BSE> mr=10 mr2=11777

I think this one is one we fixed a while ago.  Here is our comment:

revision 1.3        
date: 84/08/23 03:17:09;  author: lepreau;  state: Exp;  lines
added/del: 87/6
Actual mod date 1/16/84:
--by swt & fjl: in mbintr, don't assume that if the mba was active that the
interrupt is for us: make sure it's ours.  This was causing gr to panic,
presumably due to long spiral reads (as in swap) which took longer than
parallel seeks.  Now why hasn't anyone else seen this?


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