Need nroff driving table for DEC printer

mikem at uwstat.UUCP mikem at uwstat.UUCP
Sun Oct 7 12:59:19 AEST 1984

> I have a DEC LA-100 printer.  There is available for this machine
> a character set ROM (SYMBOLS-10) that produces Greek and mathematical
> symbols.  Does anyone have an nroff terminal driving table for this
> printer that includes the SYMBOLS-10 characters?  Is there any reason
> nroff wouldn't be able to utilize this character set?

I have such a driver, BUT it is VERY UGLY:  The main reason for the
ugliness is that the la100 will not reliably do a reverse form-feed
unless one uses friction feed, and that is more of a problem than
I am willing to put up with.  So I have a la-100 nroff driver and then a
post-processor which gets rids of the reverse form-feeds and other
ugliness and then prints pages;  Well if this isn't bad enough - the
nroff driver generates an obscure set of codes because I have several
different post-processors for several different (and all brain-damaged)
types of printers.  This was I only have to run nroff once and then I
can preview the document on say a zenith z-29 terminal and print it
later on a real letter quality printer or the la100.

But (again) it is UGLY . So if you are absolutely desperate I'll send
you what I have; otherwise I suggest that it is almost worthwhile
figuring out how to write your own drivers.  But you too will curse
nroff for wanting to put out reverse line-feeds.

Mike Meyer --  Phone (608) 262-1157

EASY ARPA:	mikem at statistics
CORRECT ARPA:	mikem at
		mikem at uwisc   (if you have an old host table)
UUCP:	...!{allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo,sfwin,ucbvax,uwm-evax}!uwvax!mikem

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