HELP is being needed

Central Committee gromyko at moscvax.CCCP
Sat Mar 30 06:46:03 AEST 1985

In article <522 at kremvax.CCCP> gorbachv at kremvax.CCCP (Current Premier) writes
>    I am having BIG problem at my site.  Only person with root
>access die a fews weeks ago from bad cold.  I, being new
>administrator, am needing root permission.  What we do?

We have 20 Vax 11/780's here at the Moscow Institute of Interstellar
Nuclear Warfare and have encountered this problem frequently when
system administrators become non-persons (refuseniks, dissidents and
other criminals against the state).  Just follow the instructions in
the Great Patriotic Bolshevix Programmers Manual Volume 2c 
chapter "Stealing, Copying, Installing and Operating
4.2Bolshevik Siberian Distribution" (State Procedure 1.01.02.A) dealing
with bringing the capitalist machine in single individual mode.  Then

# sed 's/root:.............:/root::/' /etc/passwd > /etc/
# mv /etc/ /etc/passwd
# ^D

Then please to post new dialup number for kremvax to Usenet comrade.

				From the workers paradise,

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