"Not enough core" message. Help ....

Badri Lokanathan badri at ur-valhalla.UUCP
Mon Feb 2 11:03:01 AEST 1987

We run BSD4.2 on a VAX 11/750 with 2M (yes, 2M!) core and configured
with 16M swap space. We have a program with large pieces of fortran
code that we cannot rewrite in C with dynamic memory allocation. It
contains several large arrays hardwired in it. We also have another
module, written in C, which needs to be linked to the program.

(1) It is possible to run the program for small array sizes (and hence
    small examples,) but it does not run with large arrays (and examples.)
    We get the message "Not enough core".

(2) The module can be compiled with an old version of the program and
    run, but not with the latest version of the program (even with
    arrays reduced to really small sizes.)

I even know where the error lies, from some debug messages that I put
into the kernel. Apparently I have a swap map overflow; for those who
have seen the interns of BSD4.2 kernel code, the limit is exceeded in
/usr/sys/vax/vm_machdep.c:chksize: ctod(ds) = 12906 exceeds maxdmap = 12256.
None of the defined hardlimits (MAXTSIZE, MAXDSIZE and MAXSSIZE) are

I do not want to start tweaking parameters without knowing what goes
on, but I need a fix! Can somebody shed some light?

size on the binary that barfs gives:
text	data	bss	dec	hex
424960	269312	6338512	7032784	6b4fd0
"Don't blame me for wanting more       {) ur-valhalla!badri at rochester.arpa
 The facts are too hard to ignore     //\\ {ames,caip,cmcl2,columbia,cornell,
 I'm scared to death of poverty      ///\\\ harvard,ll-xn,rutgers,seismo,
 I only want what's best for me."-UB40 /\    topaz}!rochester!ur-valhalla!badri

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