[Lynn R Grant: Password Aging]

Barry Shein bzs at Encore.COM
Thu Dec 29 08:24:55 AEST 1988

From: smb at ulysses.homer.nj.att.com (Steven M. Bellovin)
>The DoD reasoning is fairly simple:  they want to prevent brute-force
>attacks on a particular password.  I don't have their booklet handy,
>but they show you how to work through the calculations.  Figure out
>how many possible passwords there are, and assume some value (which
>I believe they supply) for the time to make one trial.  That gives you
>an upper bound on how long a particular password is secure.  The aging
>constant is set to be some small fraction of that time.

We just did this, lessee, 100 character set, 8 chars, 100^8, assume
10,000 encryptions per second is a good upper bound (we'll take a
small fraction in a moment) and, lessee, I get 31,709 years, divide by
100 (that's a small fraction, no?) I guess I age my password every 317
years, oh, what the hell, once per century just to be safe.

	-Barry Shein, ||Encore||

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