how do I tell the size of a pseudoterm window?

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Sat Dec 3 01:18:23 AEST 1988

In article <6766 at> dave at (Dave Cohrs) writes:
>There doesn't appear to be such functionality in SystemV (they have
>a different philosophy about what a window is, I think).

It is true that a layer is rather different from other systems' notions
of what a window is, but UNIX System V does have window size information
set/get ioctls.  See <sys/jioctl.h>.

>The TERMCAP variable won't automatically change.

It shouldn't.  If the terminal handler size information is set, any
termcap-using utility should use that information in place of whatever
default is provided by the termcap entry for the terminal.  Note that
for this to work correctly, the termcap entry must not have any
wired-in assumptions about window size (for example, "ll" normally has
the vertical size wired into it).

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