Multiple Root ID's considered evil?

Blair P. Houghton bph at buengc.BU.EDU
Fri Sep 15 12:47:59 AEST 1989

In article <1738 at convex.UUCP> tchrist at convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) writes:
>In article <1989Sep13.082607.981 at> bill at (T. William Wells) writes:
>>If done for the reason you suggest, that is an _awful_ idea! Root is
>>root. Anyone who gets uid 0 is god. 
>Certainly.  I perhaps misrepresented my reason.  The real reason was
>to grant or remove superuser priv's to specific users without having 
>to constantly muck with the One True Root Password.  I personally
>don't do it that way at my site, preferring people to log in as 
>themselves and su.

What's the diff?

				  "I hear a throng of voices,
				   all speaking those words,
				   voices that are not delayed
				   so much as the net propagation..."

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