Unix Jargon File Wanted

Henry McGilton -- Software Products henry at angel.Sun.COM
Fri Feb 2 05:24:15 AEST 1990

In article <22278 at adm.BRL.MIL>, ZZASSGL%cms.manchester-computing-centre.ac.uk at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk writes:

    *  I'm currently writing an introduction to Unix for new
    *  users of our mainframe Unix system here.  I want to
    *  include a guide to Unix jargon, starting at a very low
    *  level ( ie what is a path, what is a directory, what is
    *  a shell etc) and working up.  The readers of the guide
    *  may not have ever used Unix before.
If the readers/users are really beginners, I would recommend
first purchasing some of the introductory texts on UNIX. 

Blowing my own trumpet first, take a look at
    Introducing UNIX System V,
    by Rachel Morgan and Henry McGilton,
    published by McGraw-Hill.
Also, take a look at
    A Practical Guide to UNIX System V, by Mark Sobell.  Mark's
    coverage of VI is very good.

    *  Is there something similar already available somewhere
    *  I could copy and adapt?
Probably easier to buy already available material than start
afresh with your own.

	............. Henry

| Henry McGilton    | The days of UNIX as a    |                           |
| Sun Microsystems  | phenomenon are over; now | arpa: hmcgilton at sun.com   |
| 2550 Garcia       | we want to know what     | uucp: ...!sun!angel!henry |
| Mountain View, CA | UNIX can do for us.      |                           |

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