SCO ODT TCP/IP Setup Problem

Wu Liu wul at sco.COM
Fri May 31 04:39:03 AEST 1991

I'm forwarding the following for Scott Deardorff, who's got some
additional information.

Scott's comments follow at the bottom...

>/--mpd at (Michael P. Deignan) said...
>| I've tried posting this question to the Opendesktop group, but didn't get a
>| reply, so I'll try something more generic.
>| My /etc/hosts file looks as follows:
>|	localhost
>|	anomaly
>|	idsvax
>| Now, when I start a SL/IP connection between anomaly and idsvax, people on
>| anomaly can telnet fine to idsvax. However, anyone attempting to rlogin/telnet/
>| ftp to anomaly get an error message. Furthermore, anyone on anomaly who tries
>| to "rlogin localhost" or "rlogin anomaly" get the password prompt, but are
>| then given the same error message.
>| The error is "Bad login user id".
>| I've RTFM, but can't locate a reference to getting rid of this error. Of course,
>| I might have missed it at 3am.
>[ wul at (Wu Liu) replies... ]
>I'm not sure if it's mentioned in the doc...
>Your problem is that TCP on anomaly wasn't started by init.  Your
>inetd process can't have an luid set, or else telnet/rlogin breaks
>with this error message.  The only way to get a process to not have
>an luid is if you start it during boot (i.e. have init fork it off).

     In addition to Wu's response, I wanted to include an item from
our information tools database which also addresses this problem.
This database is available to our supported customers online via
a machine named sosco.  For more info on accessing this database
please contact your SCO Customer Service, or Sales Representitive.

    Scott Deardorff

rlogin or telnet give the error message "bad login user id."

KEYWORDS:  rlogind telnetd init bad login user id fails error unix

RELEASE:   SCO TCP/IP Release 1.1

PROBLEM:   When using rlogin or telnet to log on to a machine running 
	   SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2, the error message "bad 
	   login user id" is displayed.

	   SCO UNIX has C2 like security.  This error message is caused 
	   when login calls setluid().  The problem is that the loginid
	   has already been set because someone (root) did a "tcp stop"
	   followed by a "tcp start."  When root logs in, a loginid is
	   automatically set. This loginid is passed on to inetd which 
	   passes it on to rlogind or telnetd.  rlogind or telnetd exec 
	   /bin/login which inherits the previously set loginid.  Then 
	   login calls setluid() which fails because the loginid is 
	   already set.

SOLUTION:  This error is caused by doing a "tcp stop" followed by a 
	   "tcp start." init(M) has the unique property in that it does 
	   not have a loginid associated with it.  Therefore, when SCO 
	   TCP/IP is started by init, there is no loginid associated 
	   with the inetd process.

	   The proper method to restart SCO TCP/IP follows:

		# init 1 

			(while logged in as root on /dev/tty01)

		< here all the user processes are killed by "init 1" >

		Then type CONTROL-d to proceed with normal startup.

SEE ALSO:  init(M), setluid(S)

The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.                  

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