Configuring Xenix for 1200/2400 baud access, uucp log management

Jack F. Vogel jack at turnkey.TCC.COM
Fri Apr 15 07:15:31 AEST 1988

In article <10387 at> davidsen at kbsvax.steinmetz.UUCP (William E. Davidsen Jr) writes:
>I think the problem you are seeing is caused by initialization noise as
>the connect is made.
No, the problem is not noise, the problem is as a couple of posters have
suggested, without knowing why, the login script.

>	"" "" gin:--gin:-BREAK-gin:--gin:
>    I have no idea why this works better.
The original posters login script started like this:
	"" BREAK ogin:.......
The reason this causes problems is that it says "expect nothing, send a
break". But this never gives time for getty to get its login prompt out the
port, it then gets "confused" and drops the line. As the original poster
also noticed it happened in both directions, nobody's getty likes to be
interrupted before its had its say :-} :-}. Your modified script, Bill,
has the same effect as saying: ogin:-\b-ogin:.....It gives the getty the
time to put out a prompt and if it's gibberish it sends a break. The
whole question of what direction to cycle the baud rates depends on
convenience for a particular system (i.e., do you have more 2400 or
1200 connections).

					Hope this helps explain,

Jack F. Vogel
Turnkey Computer Consultants, Costa Mesa, CA
UUCP: ...{nosc|uunet}!turnkey!jack 
Internet: jack at turnkey.TCC.COM

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