tip like program for SCO Xenix

Paul Gillingwater paul at csnz.co.nz
Mon Aug 7 19:21:22 AEST 1989

In article <9667 at xanth.cs.odu.edu> paterra at cs.odu.edu (Frank C. Paterra) writes:
>Does anyone out there know of a PD tip like program that will work
>with SCO Xenix running on a 80386?
>Frank Paterra

The obvious choice must be Kermit.  Not only is it PD, it runs on
many different platforms, including UNIX, SCO Xenix, MS-DOS, DG/AOS,
VAX/VMS, CP/M and others.  It will handle an ASCII transfer as well,
and if you wish, you can shell out to a Zmodem transfer.  Source code
is readily available...

I didn't mail this response, because I'd like to ask a question or two
on Kermit:  I have SCO Xenix 386, with a Trailblazer.  I want to run it
with a locked DTE speed of 19,200, but Kermit only allows up to 9600.
Has anyone patched Kermit for higher speeds that could post me the
diffs please?  (I have Larry's patch program -- nice software!).

Second question: has anyone had much experience with using Kermit
on an IBM mainframe?  Like, which OS does it run under -- VM?  CMS?
CICS?  Does it do ASCII/EBCDIC translation?  Can it run over SDLC,
or X.25, or maybe even X.32?  I await your response, netpersons...

echo "thank you" >/dev/future

Paul Gillingwater, Computer Sciences of New Zealand Limited
Bang: ..!uunet!dsiramd!csnz!paul    Domain: paul at csnz.co.nz
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