csh aliases

Glen McCluskey glenm at mako.UUCP
Sat Mar 9 08:58:18 AEST 1985

Has anyone thought of modifying the C shell to allow aliases on
other than the first word of each command?  For example, assuming
a new alias command called ``nalias'', one might say:

	% nalias t '/etc/termcap'
	% more t

which would invoke ``more'' on ``/etc/termcap''.  There are a number
of other ways this might be done, such as with shell variables, but
this seems like a convenient thing to have.

This could be generalized (probably too much!) to allow one to change
shell syntax, such as the following:

	% nalias pipe '|'
	% sort xyz pipe uniq

equivalent to

	% sort xyz | uniq

					Glen McCluskey

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