SMTP on a Masscomp

angeloc at angeloc at
Fri Feb 7 13:45:11 AEST 1986

We are contemplating the purchase of a 100 user computer system, and
have come across a promising candidate in the Masscomp 5700 series.

I think that there are users out there that are currently using
Masscomps, and that they are running Berkeley (or System V) mailers
on them that hook into ARPANET.  

I would appreciate hearing from those of you who either fit the above
description, or would otherwise like to participate in a short
discussion, on how SMTP and/or MMDF interacts with the dual-environment
systems that Masscomp offers.  That is, they offer a basic System V
with Berkeley 4.2 BSD as a second environment.

The basic question here is:  If mmdf hooks into the berkeley mailer,
msg, can it be modified (or has someone done this already) to allow it
to work in both UNIX environments that Masscomp offers?  More basic
question:  Has anyone used one of the "new" Masscomps on Arpanet?

Please send a cc: to <angeloc at pica-qa> since I may not get the
info-unix response.

-- Angelo J. Castellano, AMSMC-QAH-P

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