Basic for Unix?

Dave Rasmussen dave at uwmcsd1.UUCP
Tue Mar 4 05:40:48 AEST 1986

*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR suggestion ***

I have a friend who is trying to install a version of UBC (?) Basic on
a VAX 780 here running 4.2bsd. We currently have the same basic running
on our 750 with 4.1bsd.

This particular version appears to have some nasty memory allocation problems,
among other things. Does anyone have any suggestions for other versions of
Basic (gag) for Unix, or possibly a fixed version of the above?

My dept has a great (well maybe not great, but dependable) version of basic
on a Sperry 1100/81. Unfortunately this isn't an option for my friend.

Please mail me any suggestions. I'll post a followup later.

AT&T: (414) 963-5133                  {The views above may or may}  `O_o'
ARPA: uwmcsd1!dave at wisc-rsch.ARPA     {not reflect the views of any} ( )
UUCP: ..!uwvax!uwmacc!uwmcsd1!dave    {other person or group at UWM}  U
Usnail:Dave Rasmussen,UWM CSD, Box413, Milwaukee WI 53201. :-)  Ack Phft!

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