QIC controller needed

Jack Stephens jms at wzlr.UUCP
Thu Feb 2 01:26:39 AEST 1989

I recently came across a QIC-36 streaming tape drive.  I'm all
set...sort of.  I have the drive, a cabinet, a power supply, some
tapes...all I need now is a controller.  Preferably for both a IBM PC
and for a 3B1.

The drive is an archive FasTape marketed by CMS and claims to use a
standard controller.  Any hints out there ?


Jack Stephens
Digital Technology Resources           @@@@___@@@@@@@____@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@___
Costa Mesa, California                @@@@@___ at ______@_______ at ______@______ at __
   "For a primitive people we have  @@@@@@@___ at _______@______ at ______@_______ at _
     our points"                    @@@@@@@___ at _______@______ at ______@_____ at ___
UUCP:                                 @@@@@___ at ______@_______ at ______@______ at __
{arnold,bert,hodge,jack}!wzlr!jms      @@@@___@@@@@@@________ at ______@_______ at _

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