SHCC and SHLD fail on making Gnu C

Kevin O'Gorman kevin at kosman.UUCP
Tue May 9 04:11:06 AEST 1989

I have finally gotten self-sufficient in making Gnu C compiler. Last night
I completed the compiling of Gnu C 1.35 first with 1.34, then with itself,
and doing the comparisons to check that the optimised and unoptimised output
of the compiler do the same thing.  That is, I made the compiler 3 times
and compared two of the versions.

Then I decided to go the whole way, and change the last step in making
each of the pieces of the compiler so that it would use the shared library.
I tried using shcc, and then shld.  In both cases, each of the three
parts of the compiler (gcc, cc1 and cpp) complained of a symbol that was

I redid the Makefile to use /bin/ld .... and the loads went just fine
and the compiler works okay.

The offending symbol in cpp (the only one I took a good look at) was
do_define, which is an ordinary-seeming function definition in the main
module.  I have no idea why it is showing up as undefined, since the
identical .o files link just fine with the /bin/ld procedure.

Anyone else making gcc out there have any ideas?
Anyone who knows shcc or shld want to tell me what to look at?

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