Thanks Brian ... the vidpal kit works great.

Rick Kimball rick at
Fri Nov 24 02:06:15 AEST 1989

Well I'm ready.

Could someone send me the X-Windows binaries?  8^)

I just wanted to thank Brian for developing the vidpal kit.

I'm a hardware want-a-be.  But I'm probably better termed as a
never-be.  The kit went together very easily.  Even so,
I did have a minor heart attack after assembling everything
and turning it on ... nothing happened.  Turned out I had managed
to crush the power connector behind the disk drive.

The only thing I would change on the board would be an outline 
of the chips showing where the notched end of the chips should go.

Rick Kimball              INTERNET: rick at
                              UUCP: ...!spdcc!kimbal!rick, ...!spt!kimbal!rick
Personal USENET Site          POTS: (617) 599-8864

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