Summary Request: bordered to borderless windows

Future Unix Gurus upl at
Wed Nov 22 05:49:38 AEST 1989

Hello Unix-PC'ers:

A little while back someone wanted to know how to go from an accidentally
created bordered window, back to a full-screen, borderless window.  At the
time, I wasn't interested in this stuff, but I should have been, because
I am now.  

Does anyone have this information?  I was just thinking that it might be
nice to have a couple-three small bordered windows sitting around and flip 
back and forth between bordered and full-screen as needed.  Anyway any
help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.  

- sparkie
incidentally:	I hope this isn't the second copy that went out.  I tried to 
		cancel the first copy, but I'm not sure that it worked.
p.s.	PLEASE reply to one of the following addresses and NOT the one
	listed above.  Thanks!
 ___  ___  ___  ___  _  _  _  ___ 
/ __\| . \/ . \| . \| |/ /|_|| _ |  "Mothers Against Skunks Driving...
\__ \| __/|   || _ /|   < | || _[    ...because stinking and driving don't mix"
\___/|_|  |_|_||_|\\|_|\_\|_||___|           - heard on a madison radio station
ARPA:	harier!sparkie at, sparkie at
UUCP:	...{harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!harier!sparkie

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