DOS make (Was: MSC 5.1 make)

Bob Stout Bob.Stout at
Sun Dec 24 11:17:19 AEST 1989

In an article of <21 Dec 89 18:33:45 GMT>, (Joe Keenan) writes:

 >I've had great success with one called NDMake.  Look for NDMAKE45.arc in 
 >your favorite BBS's programming utilities section.

The previously recommended Opus Make (commercial) is a much enhanced direct  
decendant of NDMAKE. Aside from additional bells and whistles, Opus offers  
much lower memory usage during execution than most other makes. It's the  
memory usage issue that's the real Achilles heel of some of the more capable  
bundled makes such as the new Microsoft NMAKE or Borland's MAKE. I often do  
fairly massive recompilation of libraries driving the various bundled MAKEs  
from simple batch files and the only one that's proven to be both capable and  
frugal with RAM has been Zortech's. Both NMAKE and Borland's MAKE tend to blow  
up partway through with various out of memory errors. NDMAKE is also OK, but  
it's hard to imagine large enough sources or cramped enough RAM to choke Opus  
Make. BTW, Lugaru also publishes a similarly frugal and generally excellent  
make that you should also check out. 

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