MS QC _getimage()

Mike Macgirvin mike at
Tue Jun 13 04:28:43 AEST 1989

In article <Jun. at> jjoshua at (Jon Joshua) writes:
>In MS QC 2.0, _getimage() and _putimage() are great ways of blasting
>data onto the screen.  I was wondering how the data is kept in memory.
>I want to be able to create a screen in memory and the use _putimage()
>to display it.  It would seem that _putimage() was only meant to be
>used with data from _getimge().
>Does anyone have any info?
	The data is stored as
	int	[2 bytes]	width * depth
	int     [2 bytes]	height
	unsigned char image[]   depth * width * height bits of image

	I have succesfully used the _{get,put}image arrays for my own use,
with the following limitation: the depth info. Since the depth changes with
adapter types, you must limit your program to working at a particular
depth, or make sure that when you use the buffer yourself, you place
the info in it correctly. I'd love to get my hands on the source, since
these routines are so darn FAST!
	     "There must be some kind of way out of here." 
        Mike Macgirvin - mike at (

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