FSLS - List big files in file system - (nf)

tim at siedap.UUCP tim at siedap.UUCP
Wed Sep 3 21:33:00 AEST 1986


None of the standard programs (ls, find, du, quot) seem to  do
exactly  this,  so  I  wrote  'fsls'  to  do the job. It calls
'ncheck(8)' for the given file system, captures the result  in
a  temporary file, calls stat for each file listed and outputs
a line in the 'ls -l' format for each file with at  least  the
given number of blocks allocated. 

If anyone knows how to do this with standard programs,  please
tell  me how I could have saved time. If anyone improves fsls,
please let me have the mods. 

Replies to : { mcvax / seismo } !unido!ztivax!siedap!tim

The program contains some pieces of code which may be  usefull
for other applications : 

    + How to establish a block device from a mount name
      (using both fstab and mtab)

    + Subroutines mypwuid and mypwgid which only call their
      library equivalents ONCE for a given integer id (the
      known ones are chained into an malloc'd list)

    + Subroutine to run another program as a sub-process

This is NOT a shell archive - just chop out  the  manual  page
and  the  program  which follow. No defines or anything needed
when compiling fsls, but it MUST be installed with set-uid  to
'root', or it can't run ncheck. 

------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< -------

FSLS(1)                                                FSLS(1)

     fsls - list files of given file system in 'ls -l' format


     fsls [-s<n>] file-system-mount-name [output-file]


     Fsls can be used to locate large files in  a  given  file
     system.  Find(1) has a size option, but this is only true
     when the file has exactly that number of blocks (not when 
     it has at least that  many  blocks).  Furthermore  'find'
     doesn't  stop at file system boundaries - bad if you want
     to look at '/'. Du(1) shares this problem, furthermore it 
     doesn't report any file names. Quot(8)  restricts  itself
     to one file system, but none of it's options allow a list 
     including  file sizes, let alone restricted by file size.

     So when I couldn't find a program-written file which  had
     filled up our root file system, I wrote the first version 
     of  what  I later generalised and polished to be fsls. It
     calls ncheck(8) with stdout  redirected  to  a  temporary
     file,  and then reads this file and performs a stat(2) on
     each of the files listed. Using the  info  from  stat,  a
     line is output giving information about the file. 

     The -s option if used limits the output to files with  at
     least  the given number of BLOCKS actually allocated [the
     field used is (struct stat).st_blocks] so the  number  of
     (kilo)bytes  depends on the file system's block size. The
     output format is similar to 'ls -l', but since it was not 
     neccessary to be compatible, fsls is more explicit  about
     the  type  of file. Output is to stdout, unless an output
     file is given as second argument. 


     /tmp/fsls<pid> for holding output of ncheck


     du(1) ls(1) ncheck(8) quot(8)


     Tim Reeves , Siemens AG , Munich


     Doesn't check for inconsistency output forms from ncheck.
     Directory contents hidden by mounting are reported as :
	      "Can't read ..."
     Could do with more options to limit output,
	      e.g. -u<user>, -n<wildcard-name>

------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< ------- 8< -------

/* fsls : list all files on one disk partition */
/* '-s<n>' = size option: min no of blocks rqd */
/*           to qualify for outputting.        */
/* arg1 = file system mount name, e.g. /usr    */
/* arg2 = file to put the output in {terminal} */

/* >>>>>> Install with set-uid to root !!!!!!! */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <fstab.h>
#include <mtab.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

/* Define all possible exit values */
#define FOUND    0
#define BAD_CAL  1
#define NO_ROOT  2
#define NO_MTAB  3
#define NOT_FND  4
#define SYS_ERR  5
#define NCK_ERR  6

#define EXECFAIL -1001
#define KILLED   -1002

/* System library functions */
struct fstab *getfsfile() ;
char *malloc() ;

/* Local functions */
char *mypwuid() ;
char *mygrgid() ;

int debug = FALSE ;

int argc; char **argv;
    long size = 0L ;            /* Min no of blocks reqd to */
				/* qualify for output (0=no limit) */

    int fd ;                    /* stream for /etc/mtab */
    int n ;                     /* number of bytes read */
    int go_on = TRUE ;          /* loop control in mtab */

    struct fstab *fs ;          /* Pointer to returned fstab entry */
    struct mtab   mt ;          /* Buffer for mtab entry */

    char fs_dev[32] ,           /* Block device found in fstab */
	 mt_dev[32] ,           /* Block device found in  mtab */
	 prefix[32] ;           /* Mount name to prefix filename */

    long pid ;                  /* For making tempfile name */
    char tmpname[20] ;          /* For holding tempfile name */
    FILE *fp ;                  /* Stream for temporary file */

    int rc ;                    /* Return code from ncheck */

    struct stat buffer,         /* For call of stat (2) */
	   *buf = &buffer ;

    char line[122] ;            /* For building output line */
    char filename[100] ;        /* Name of current file     */
    register char *name ;       /* Pointer to name in line  */

    u_short prot ;              /* All for getting info about file */
    u_short mode ;
    char *uid ;
    char *gid ;

    while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv) [0] == '-')
       switch ( *(argv[0] + 1) )
	  case 'd' : debug = TRUE ;

	  case 's' : sscanf(argv[0]+2,"%ld",&size) ;
		     if (size < 0L)
			fprintf(stderr,"fsls: bad '-s' value\n") ;
			exit(BAD_CAL) ;
		     else ;

	  default  :  fprintf(stderr,"fsls: bad option '%s'\n", argv[0]) ;
		      exit(BAD_CAL) ;

    /* Check correct usage (argc now actual no. of arguments) */
    if (argc == 0 || argc > 2)
	      "Usage: fsls [-s<n>] file_system [output_file]\n") ;
	exit(BAD_CAL) ;
    else ;

    /* Mount name is prefixed to filename unless '/' */
    if (strcmp(*argv,"/") == 0)
	*prefix = '\0' ;
	strcpy(prefix,*argv) ;

    /* First get the block device of the mount name from fstab */
    /* Best to do this first, as '/' has no entry in mtab */
    setfsent() ;
    if ((fs=getfsfile(*argv)) == (struct fstab *)0)
	/* Didn't find it in fstab */
	/* Trap out if '/' (which isn't in mtab) */
	if (*prefix == '\0')
	    fprintf(stderr,"fsls: Cant find '/' in /etc/fstab\n") ;
	    exit(NO_ROOT) ;
	    /* Hope to find it in mtab */
	    *fs_dev = '\0' ;
	strcpy(fs_dev,fs->fs_spec) ;

    endfsent() ;

    /* If the file-system isn't '/' cross-check in mtab */
    if (*prefix == '\0')
	strcpy(mt_dev,fs_dev) ;
	go_on = FALSE ;
	/* Open mtab */
	if ((fd=open("/etc/mtab",O_RDONLY,0)) < 0)
	    fprintf(stderr,"fsls: Cant open /etc/mtab\n") ;
	    exit(NO_MTAB) ;
	else ;

    /* Loop to read one mtab entry and check if name found */
    while ( go_on )
	/* Read the next entry into the structure */
	n = read(fd,&mt,sizeof(struct mtab)) ;
	if (n < sizeof(struct mtab))
	    /* End of file (or incomplete last entry) */
	    fprintf(stderr,"fsls: %s - not mounted\n",*argv) ;
	    exit (NOT_FND) ;
	    /* Entry is there : check the mount name */
	    if (strcmp(mt.m_path,*argv) == 0)
		/* Found it - note name & end loop */
		sprintf(mt_dev,"/dev/%s",mt.m_dname) ;
		go_on = FALSE ;
		/* Didnt find it - let the loop continue */
	    }   /* End of 'entry is there' */

	}       /* End of mtab loop */

    /* Warn caller about anything odd */
    if (*prefix == '\0')
	       "fsls: Warning - '/' not in mtab, using fstab entry (%s)\n",
	       mt_dev) ;
    if (*fs_dev == '\0')
	       "fsls: Warning - no fstab entry, using mtab entry (%s)\n",
	       mt_dev) ;
	if (strcmp(mt_dev,fs_dev) != 0)
		   "fsls: Warning - mtab (%s) overrides fstab (%s)\n",
		   mt_dev,fs_dev) ;
	else ;

    /* Call ncheck(8) with stdout diverted to temp file */
    pid = getpid() ;
    sprintf(tmpname,"/tmp/fsls%ld",pid) ;

    if (freopen(tmpname,"w",stdout) == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr,"fsls: Cant reopen stdout\n") ;
	exit(SYS_ERR) ;
    else ;

    rc = runcmd("/etc/ncheck",mt_dev,(char *)0) ;
    if (rc != 0)
	fprintf(stderr,"fsls: Bad exit value '%d' from ncheck\n",rc) ;
	unlink(tmpname) ;
	exit(NCK_ERR) ;
    else ;

    if (argc == 1)
	/* No output file given - use terminal */
	freopen("/dev/tty","w",stdout) ;
	if (freopen(argv[1],"w",stdout) == NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"fsls: Cant open output file '%s'\n",argv[1]) ;
	    unlink(tmpname) ;
	    exit(SYS_ERR) ;
	else ;

    /* Reopen the temp file for reading */
    fp = fopen(tmpname,"r") ;
    if (fp == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr,"fsls: Cant open tempfile %s for reading\n",tmpname) ;
	unlink(tmpname) ;
	exit(SYS_ERR) ;
    else ;

    /* Skip the first line (names the block device) */
    fgets(line,120,fp) ;

    /* Read the temp file line by line */
    while (fgets(line,120,fp) != NULL)
	/* isolate the file name - skip i-node, delete \n */
	line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0' ;
	name = line ;
	while (*name != '/' && *name != '\0') name++ ;
	if (*name == '\0')
	    /* Not expected, but you never know ... */
	    printf("Empty line\n") ;
	    /* Build the absolute pathname and call stat */
	    sprintf(filename,"%s%s",prefix,name) ;
	    if (stat(filename,buf) == -1)
		printf("Can't read %s\n",filename) ;
		if (size > 0L && buf->st_blocks < size)
		    /* Skip output - file too small */
		    /* Find what we want to know about the file */
		    uid  = mypwuid((int)buf->st_uid) ;
		    gid  = mygrgid((int)buf->st_gid) ;
		    prot = buf -> st_mode & S_IFMT ;
		    mode = buf -> st_mode & 07777 ;

		    /* Output the info according to file type */
		    switch(prot) {

		    case S_IFDIR :
			printf("Directory %4o %9s %9s %5ld %s\n",
				mode,uid,gid,buf->st_blocks,filename) ;
			break ;

		    case S_IFCHR :
			printf("Char spec %4o %9s %9s %5ld %s\n",
				mode,uid,gid,buf->st_blocks,filename) ;
			break ;

		    case S_IFBLK :
			printf("Blck spec %4o %9s %9s %5ld %s\n",
				mode,uid,gid,buf->st_blocks,filename) ;
			break ;

		    case S_IFREG :
			printf("Reg. file %4o %9s %9s %5ld %s\n",
				mode,uid,gid,buf->st_blocks,filename) ;
			break ;

		    case S_IFLNK :
			printf("Symb link %4o %9s %9s %5ld %s\n",
				mode,uid,gid,buf->st_blocks,filename) ;
			break ;

		    case S_IFSOCK :
			printf("Socket... %4o %9s %9s %5ld %s\n",
				mode,uid,gid,buf->st_blocks,filename) ;
			break ;

		    }   /* End of switch */
		    }   /* End of else 'not too small' */
		}       /* End of else 'stat was ok'   */
	    }           /* End of else 'line not empty' */
	}               /* End of while  */

    /* Tidy up */
    fclose(fp) ;
    unlink(tmpname) ;
    endpwent() ;
    endgrent() ;

    /* Any files created belong to the effective uid (root) */
    if (argc == 2)
	/* Set the file owner to the real caller */
	chown(argv[1],getuid(),getgid()) ;
    else ;

    exit(FOUND) ;

/* runcmd.c */
/* Performs a fork + exec , runs the given program with the */
/* given arguments in the son , waits for the son and       */
/* returns its exit value.                                  */

char *cmd ; int va_list ;

    /* cmd is a pointer to the name of the cmd to run */
    /* va_list is a dummy used to get the address of  */
    /* the actual parameter list. you can put as many */
    /* actual pars. as you like, but end with (char *)0 !!  */

    /* These macros extract lower / higher byte from an integer */
#   define lobyte(s) s&0377
#   define hibyte(s) (s>>8)&0377

    int pid,                    /* pid returned by fork     */
	i,                      /* counter                  */
	w,                      /* returnvalue from wait    */
	status,                 /* returnstatus from wait   */
	term_status,            /* termination value of son */
	son_status ;            /* exit-value of son        */

    char *argv[20] ,            /* For actual parameters */
	 *ap ;                  /* Ptr to actual params. */

    /* Set the ptr ap to the actual parameter list */
    ap = (char *) &va_list ;

    /* Copy act. par. ptrs into argv */
    /* argv[0] = cmd name */
    argv[0] = cmd ;
    i = 1 ;
	argv[i] = ((char **) (ap += sizeof(char *))) [-1] ;
    while (argv[i++] != (char *)0 ) ;

    /* Duplicate this process */
    pid = fork () ;

    if (pid == 0)
	/* Son process : run command */
	/* execvp looks for cmd in the 'path' directories */
	execvp(cmd,argv) ;
	/* Exec failed : error message and return */
	fprintf(stderr,"runcmd: cant execute program '%s'\n",cmd) ;
	exit(EXECFAIL) ;
    else ;

    /* Parent process : wait for son */
    while ((w=wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)

    /* Split up status into two bytes */
    term_status = lobyte(status) ;
    son_status  = hibyte(status) ;

    /* Return son exit-value if normal termination */
    if (term_status == 0)
	return(son_status) ;
	/* Abnormal termination, e.g. killed */
		"runcmd: abnormal termination of program '%s'\n",cmd) ;
	return(KILLED) ;


    /* This structure is used in mypwuid and mygrgid */
    struct pwgr {
		int pg_int ;
		char pg_chr[10] ;
		struct pwgr *pg_nxt ;
		} ;

char *mypwuid(id)
int  id;
    /* Returns a pointer to the char. form of the uid */
    /* as found in /etc/passwd, decimal form if not found */

    /* Manages a list of those values already found  */
    /* to speed things up - saves lots of getpwuid's */

    struct pwgr *pg ;
    static struct pwgr *pg_head = (struct pwgr *)0 ,
		       *pg_tail = (struct pwgr *)0 ;

    struct passwd *pw ;

    /* First search the list of known uid's */
    pg = pg_head ;
    while (pg != (struct pwgr *)0)
	if (pg->pg_int == id) break; else pg = pg->pg_nxt ;

    /* Return if we found it */
    if (pg != (struct pwgr *)0)
	return(pg->pg_chr) ;
    else ;

    /* Look for it in passwd and add result to chain */

    /* First of all, add the new chain element */
    pg = (struct pwgr *) malloc(sizeof (struct pwgr)) ;
    if (pg_head == (struct pwgr *)0)
	/* First element */
	pg_head = pg ;
	pg_tail = pg ;
	pg_tail->pg_nxt = pg ;

    pg->pg_int = id ;
    pg->pg_nxt = (struct pwgr *)0 ;

    /* And now look for the character name */
    pw = getpwuid(id) ;
    if (pw == (struct passwd *)0)
	/* Didn't find it - use decimal representation */
	sprintf(pg->pg_chr,"<%d>",id) ;
	/* Did find it - copy it in */
	strncpy(pg->pg_chr,pw->pw_name,9) ;
	pg->pg_chr[9] = '\0' ;

    /* Don't forget to rewind the file ! */
    setpwent() ;

    return(pg->pg_chr) ;

char *mygrgid(id)
int  id;
    /* Returns a pointer to the char. form of the gid */
    /* as found in /etc/group, decimal form if not found */

    /* Manages a list of those values already found  */
    /* to speed things up - saves lots of getgrgid's */

    struct pwgr *pg ;
    static struct pwgr *pg_head = (struct pwgr *)0 ,
		       *pg_tail = (struct pwgr *)0 ;

    struct group *gr ;

    /* First search the list of known uid's */
    pg = pg_head ;
    while (pg != (struct pwgr *)0)
	if (pg->pg_int == id) break; else pg = pg->pg_nxt ;

    /* Return if we found it */
    if (pg != (struct pwgr *)0)
	return(pg->pg_chr) ;
    else ;

    /* Look for it in group and add result to chain */

    /* First of all, add the new chain element */
    pg = (struct pwgr *) malloc(sizeof (struct pwgr)) ;
    if (pg_head == (struct pwgr *)0)
	/* First element */
	pg_head = pg ;
	pg_tail = pg ;
	pg_tail->pg_nxt = pg ;

    pg->pg_int = id ;
    pg->pg_nxt = (struct pwgr *)0 ;

    /* And now look for the character name */
    gr = getgrgid(id) ;
    if (gr == (struct group *)0)
	/* Didn't find it - use decimal representation */
	sprintf(pg->pg_chr,"<%d>",id) ;
	/* Did find it - copy it in */
	strncpy(pg->pg_chr,gr->gr_name,9) ;
	pg->pg_chr[9] = '\0' ;

    /* Don't forget to rewind the file ! */
    setgrent() ;

    return(pg->pg_chr) ;

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