getting on mailing lists, etc.

Jim Isaak isaak at
Wed Dec 6 00:42:24 AEST 1989

From: isaak at (Jim Isaak)

	Here is the latest info on mailing list participation and forms
and addresses and such .... unfortunately the IEEE is four steps removed
from this work: (IEEE) (Standards) (Computer Society) (TCOS-Stds) ... so
it is not surprising they can't find information efficently.  I will pass
the concern on however, because the IEEE Standards office should be able
to respond in a useful way.

		thanks for passing things on,

IEEE CS TC Operating Systems Standards Working Groups: P1003.x/1201
                         Nov. 1989

     The TCOS standards efforts have been active since 1985.
The active groups include:
     1003.0 - Guide to how these  1003.x  groups  and  other
     standards relate
     1003.1 - updates to IEEE Std. 1003.1-1988 (Aug.22, 88)
     1003.2  -  Shell  &  Utilities,  and  User  Portability
     1003.3 - verification testing criteria.
     1003.4 - Real Time extensions for 1003.1.
     1003.5 - Ada language bindings for 1003.x work
     1003.6 - Security considerations (Orange book, et al)
     1003.7 - System Administration services
     1003.8 - Transparent File Access (TFA)
     1003.9 - Fortran Language Bindingsa
     1003.10 - Supercomputing Applications Enviornment  Pro-
     1003.11 - Transaction Processing Applications  Enviorn-
     ment Profile
     1003.1_ - Remote Proceedure call API (RPC)
     1003.1_ - Process  to  Process  network  communications
     1201    - Windowing Toolkit and driveability
     1224    - API for OSI X.400  (electronic  mail  &  mes-
     122_    - API for OSI FTAM (File Transfer)
     122_    - API for OSI X.500 (Directory Services &  name

     Each working group  provides  for  open  participation.
Once  a  group  has a document, this is put to a vote of the
Balloting Group. The vote requires a 75% participation,  and
a  75% or more majority of those voting.  Negative responses
must specify the changes needed to provide for a  change  of
the  vote  to positive, and a reconciliation of the document
to the responses takes place to accommodate  these  changes.
The  reconciled document, and rebuttal for un-resolved nega-
tive ballots are passed onto the IEEE  Standards  Board  for
final adoption.

     Your participation is  encouraged,  both  in  attending
meetings (Working member) or by written input (Corresponding
member). Due to the volume of materials  being  distributed,
and the facilities required we have a fee structure for par-
ticipation.  The fees cover actual  costs  for  duplication,
mailing  and  associated  services  incurred  by  the group.
These are allocated on a per-page basis, with an  additional
expense for overseas "quick delivery".  If you are unable to
afford the 1003 fees, please send the forms into me  with  a
short explaination as some flexibility is possible.

                     November 28, 1989

                           - 2 -

     You can obtain a  copies  of  approved  IEEE  standards
from:  IEEE  Computer  Society;  Box  80452, Worldway Postal
Center; Los Angles, CA 90080 (714-821-8380).  Single  copies
of current drafts of the 1003 documents can be obtained from
the Computer Society as well with a charge to  cover  repro-
duction and mailing. (202-371-0101)

     While you do not need to  join  IEEE  or  the  Computer
Society  to  participate  in  the  Working  Group,  it  is a
requirement for full Balloting Group participation.  A  form
is  enclosed  so  you will be notified when balloting groups
are being formed.  I have enclosed an  application  to  join
the  Computer  Society  for your information.  I suggest you
also join  the  Technical  Committee  on  Operating  Systems
(TCOS)  which  is  our  sponsoring  group,  and which offers
related activities (newsletters, conferences, etc.)
        Thank you for your interest.

        Jim Isaak; Chairperson                          (603)881-0480
        Digital Equipment Corporation ZK03-3/Y25        isaak at
        110 Spitbrook Road
        Nashua, NH 03062-2642

To join the working group effort, or get mailings:
  1) 1003 Membership & Mailing information (for ALL partici-
     pants):  complete  the  Subscription/membership/mailing
     form  &  send  with  payment  to  Quin  Hann,  TCOS/SEC
     Treasurer;  or bring to the next meeting.  not required
     if you are joining the balloting group ONLY)

  2) Please send membership forms for  IEEE,  IEEE  Computer
     Society and/or TCOS to Standards Coordinator, IEEE Com-
     puter Society, 1730 Massecutts Ave. NW; Washington DC

  3) Please send Balloting forms to: Computer Society Secre-
     tariat;  IEEE Standards Office; 445 Hoes Lane; Piscata-
     way, NJ 08855.
Schedule for upcoming meetings:
1990    Jan     8-12    New Orleans             OSF host
        April   23-27   Salt Lake City area     UNISYS host
        July    16-20   Danvers Mass.           Apollo host
        Oct.    22-26   Seattle area (Wash.)    Digital host
*UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the USA and other countries

                     November 28, 1989


                           - 3 -

Form to be added to TCOS Standards Subcommittee Balloting List.

                      Please Mail to:
                Computer Society Secretariat
                   IEEE Standards Office
                       445 Hoes Lane
                    Piscataway, NJ 08855
          and please keep a copy for your records.

Name: _________________________________                 Date: _____________

Company: _____________________________          Phone _____________________

Address: ______________________________         FAX   _____________________

        ______________________________          Electronic Mail (UUCP...)

        ______________________________          _____________________________

Alternitive address (if you change from this one and mail is returned)

        ______________________________          Phone _____________________



Your IEEE membership number or Computer Society Affiliate number:


        Invitataions to join the balloting group for specific standards
will be sent to persons ACTIVE in the TCOS Standards Subcommittee.  You
must return these invitations (declining to join if you do not want to
ballot on a given topic) to retain "ACTIVE" status.  If you fail to return
a ballot after requesting to be included within the required time frame,
you may also be dropped from "ACTIVE" status.  You can return ballots with
your status as "Abstain for lack of time" if necessary.

        This form is to include you in the invitations process, NOT in
any specific balloting group.

                     November 28, 1989

                  IEEE TCOS-SS Document Distribution Service
                     INVOICE and Fee Schedule (Nov. 27,89)
 Name:	    ________________________________________________
 Address:   ________________________________________________
 Phone:	    ____________________  E-Mail:  _________________
 Master Card/VISA/AmEx #:  __________________________ Expire: ________
    	    Signature:  ____________________________________
 Instructions:  Select the working groups from which you would like to
    	      	receive information.  Next select the number of pages
    	      	of material you would like to pay for at this time.
    	      	Mail form to:
 	 Group	   	      				      All      Drafts
  	   	   	      				    Materials   Only
  	 Status	  (Meeting notices, status reports,	      ____	n/a
 	 	   document lists only)
  	 ALL      (You will receive materials for new 	      ____      ____
  	      	   groups automatically as they are created)
POSIX:   1003.0	  POSIX Guide      			      ____      ____
	 1003.1	  System Interface			      ____      ____
	 1003.2	  Test Methods				      ____      ____
	 1003.4	  Extensions and Realtime 		      ____      ____
	 1003.5	  Ada Bindings				      ____      ____
	 1003.6	  POSIX Security			      ____      ____
	 1003.7	  System Admin.				      ____      ____
	 1003.8	  POSIX Networking-Distribution Services      ____      ____
	 1003.9	  Fortran Bindings			      ____      ____
	 1003.10  Supercomputing			      ____      ____
	 1003.11  Transaction Processing		      ____      ____

General: 1201.1	  Windowing Toolkit API			      ____      ____
	 1224	  X.400 Gateway API			      ____      ____

 Number of 500 pages units you wish to pay for:        _____xUS$40   _______
 (an average mailing of all materials is over 2000 pages)
 International Express Mail fee:		       _____US$400   _______
 (regular delivery can take up to 8 weeks)
 Annual P1003 meeting attendance fees may be prepaid:  _____US$400   _______
 (or may be paid quarterly at the meetings)
 Total amount due for above services:				     _______ 
 Receipt Required
	(please mark if you would like to receive a receipt)	     _______ 
 Payment:  Charge Card (above), or check or money orders to "IEEE 1003"
	Be Certian to include this form with your payment,
	(and retain a copy for your files)

    Send payment and form to:		Address questions about mailings to:

	TCOS-SS Finance			Charles Habermann
	Quin Hann			NAPS Intl.
	1821 Spring Valley Rd.		117 Mackubin St. Suite 6
	Minneapolis, MN 55422		St. Paul, MN 55102

	+1 612-522-8858 (also FAX)	+1 612-224-9293
					+1 612-222-2924
					cjh at

Volume-Number: Volume 17, Number 91

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