Exabyte SCSI on MIServer

Marcus Miller mmiller at hub.cs.jmu.edu
Tue Apr 2 09:16:14 AEST 1991

As the summary says, we are trying to hook up an Exabyte 5Gig 8mm tape
drive to our Pyramid MIS 12 system.  The problem is that when the
system boots, it doesn't recognize that the drive is hooked up to the
SCSI Host Adapter.  It picks up the MSI and the IOS but doesn't
recognize the drive.  RTOC has been some help, in that they have
sent documentation on configuring a SCSI device,  but they claim that
they don't support the Exabyte drive.  Our sales rep, on the other
hand, claims that they do support the Exabyte drive!

Does anyone out there know if it is even possible to set up this
type of configuration, and if so, does pyramid support it.

We have a Pyramid MIS 12/7 running OSx 5.0d.
Any help or comments would be appreciated.

Please sent to my new address!
New address:  bell-atl.com!bpats!d5qvln5
Old address: --------||

Internet:  mmiller at hub.cs.jmu.edu       |  Mark Miller
BitNet:	   stu_mamiller at jmuvax1.bitnet  |  James Madison University
Phone:  (703) 568-6945                  |  Computer Science Department 
Trek Quote: "One d*mn minute admiral"   |  Harrisonburg,  VA  22801

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