xterm key mapping in 3.3.1

Gary Klaassen gklaass at yunexus.yorku.ca
Sat Oct 13 07:03:07 AEST 1990

We have been using xterm supplied with Irix 3.2.1 with the -ibmkbd option
to provide a full vt100 keypad when using
the edt-emulation mode of gnu emacs on sgi's and other unix machines
and when using the edt editor itself on a Vax running VMS.

The -ibmkbd option is no longer supported by the xterm that comes with Irix
3.3.1. We tried the options 'enable application cursor keys/keypad'
in the xterm VT options menu but they only enable a small number of 
the needed keys. 

Does anyone have a solution? Thanks, G. Klaassen

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