Screens: to shut off or not to...

David Fickes berlin%bu-albert.BU.EDU at
Wed Dec 21 13:26:03 AEST 1988

Has anyone actually asked Sun whether we should shut down our display
screens at night or on the weekends?  We tend to have several machines
idle for a couple of days at a time and I've been wondering.  Currently,
we just scrlock them.

[[ Certainly you should take measures to save the phosphor in them.
Running screenlock should be sufficient for this.  It just needs to be
something that changes periodically so that no one image gets a chance to
get "burned in".  I understand that turning them off and back on actually
puts quite a bit more "stress" on the components than just leaving them on
overnight, thus reducing the monitor's lifetime.  Of course, this could
just be an urban legend---I have no solid sources or research to back this
up.  --wnl ]]

- david

David K. Fickes				            dfickes at
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein    ...harvard!bu-it!bu-albert!dfickes
Princeton University Press / Boston University            berlin at
745 Commonwealth Avenue - room 541		617/ 353-9249
Boston, MA 02215  				617/ 783-4301

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