sendmail shock. Bibliography?

Gary Heston gary at
Wed Apr 3 04:02:15 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr1.173622.12281 at> pa at (Pierre Asselin) writes:
>The title pretty much says it.  I'm a new Unix sysadmin  and  I'm
>going  to have to hack real soon now.  I can read man
>pages, but in this case I need a book to  get  started.

Forget it. Unless you grew up with sendmail, you'll probably never
figure it out. 

Get smail3 off uunet, and convert to that. Understandable, works well,
and has readable config files.

Gary Heston   System Mismanager and technoflunky   uunet!sci34hub!gary or
My opinions, not theirs.    SCI Systems, Inc.       gary at
I support drug testing. I believe every public official should be given a
shot of sodium pentathol and ask "Which laws have you broken this week?".

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