Porting mailing list for Amiga UNIX

Rob Healey rhealey at digibd.com
Mon May 20 05:31:30 AEST 1991

	I organized this in another article but I think this deserves
	it's own posting.

	We should set up a mailing list for porting efforts that
	includes the gang at C= so that porting efforts aren't done
	multiple times. Since I have such a big mouth, I'm willing
	to set it up. If you want to join and help coordinate ports,
	send mail to:
	amix-ports-request at kas.helios.mn.org
	Please include an e-mail address to have the list sent to
	and a list of programs you've ported or will be porting.

	After a week or so if I get enough names I'll set up a mailing
	list and we can start comparing notes. Hopefully the C= crew
	will be willing to join too. I would ask that only one e-mail
	address per host be used, preferably an alias at your site so
	that it can be updated without having to change the alias on

	Let's see if we can get things organized!

	If a list like this already exists or if someone else wants to
	organize it, let me know. I'm a ways off the internet so I'm
	not the optimal choice for a mail list exploder...


Rob Healey                                          rhealey at digibd.com
Digi International (DigiBoard)
Eden Prairie, MN                                    (612) 943-9020

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