Am I missing... (really an opinion of A/UX)

George Pajari pajari at
Sun Apr 17 07:06:07 AEST 1988

Article <347 at> by ack at (David Ackerman):
> One of the main things Apple needs to do is get a support system in place.
> This includes training dealers and having more A/UX support staff.

How many people flaming Apple have used the first UNIX system from UNI*Y*,
Hon**w*ll-B**l, NC*, or ...  within sixty days of announcement?  
And how did you find their product (if you could get it) or support?

I'm sure A/UX needs work (I'm not commenting since my system isn't here
yet), but I'm also pretty sure it will compare favourably with the early
ships of several other vendors I have had to support.  Let's try for
some perspective.

Perhaps the problem is that Apple's other products have such an avid following
that the expectations are too high and the tolerance for something
which doesn't meet those (unreasonable) expectation is non-existent.

Please tell me what problems I might expect when my system arrives.  Don't
waste net bandwidth venting frustration because the system doesn't meet your
inflated expectations.

George Pajari
(I don't work for/sell Apple stuff) ( :$r std.disclaimer)

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