Mac II fan noise - an unauthorized solution

Pierce T. Wetter wetter at
Tue Jul 19 04:16:32 AEST 1988

>As many of you may have noticed, the fan in the Mac II is *L*O*U*D*.  This
>is either because the engineers assumed that the power supply would be used
>at full power all the time, or perhaps because nobody realized someone would
>be sitting next to the @#$%^ thing.
>In any case, if you have the usual small number of cards in use, and feel
>brave, a solution is at hand.  Here is a completely unauthorized hack which
>will almost certainly break your warranty, but which may also save your sanity:
    [Bunch of stuff about E}zZl9tTKif~installing a new fan in your II]

   Simpler solution to then fan noise problem-----
      Put all the cards in your nu buss slots as far as possible from
  that side.

wetter at     Race For Space Grand Prize Winner.
   Useless Advice #986: Never sit on a Tack.

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