vi editor enhancement request

Ronald K. Wright rwright at novavax.UUCP
Thu Nov 16 22:38:05 AEST 1989

wali at tron.UUCP (Saleem Wali) writes:
> (vi editor) Is there anyone who knows of a utility which allows "vi" to
> display various information, e.g., the filename, time, and
> whether I am in the insert mode or in the command mode, at the top of 
> the screen.

Such is available on the ATT 3B1 when using an ATT610 terminal.
Likewise, in Tandy Xenix using the ATT610.  I have no idea what
drives it, but when you are in insert, a small ins appear on the
bottom of the 610's screen.  Thus there is a signal about insert.

No other terminal machine which I have used seems to have it.
R. K. Wright MD JD                     | office: medexam!rkw
Chief Medical Examiner, Broward County | nova:   novavax!rwright
Associate Professor Pathology          | home:   medexam!love1!rkw
University of Miami School of Medicine | fax:    305 765 5193

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