modem programs for Unix

Mark J. DeFilippis mark at promark.UUCP
Mon Oct 23 03:03:32 AEST 1989

> +------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
> |          James S. Burwell                      |                          |
> |                                                | "UseNet...A text network | > |          UUCP:                                 |  in a binary world" - Me |
> |          ...!{ames!netsys|rutgers}!faatcrl     |                          |
> |          !jimb                                 |  "How do you say         |
> |                                     .          |   'multitasking' in      |
> |          Internet:                   .         |   MS-DOSish?  Network    |
> |      //  jimb at faatcrl.UUCP            .    **  |   File Server!" - Me     |
> |     //                                 .  **** |                          |
> | \\ //    GEnie:         Airwarior:      . .**  |  <reserved for future>   |
> |  \X/     JIMBURWELL     Techrat          .     |  <expansion....      >   |
> +------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
							Arggggg! look what the
							cat dragged in!

Since so many sites are running B2.11.17, or Cnews I assume some are
modifying the .signature limitation code.  Great!  I can't wait to see
where this one expands to!  Please, oh please send me email with your
new signature when you change it.

And before you flame back, just read the news newusers guide please, and
remember that It's my dime, and my feeds dime..,!  This signature probably
cost about $10-12, and my article aboutthe same.  Total cost, about $20.

Hey, why not cut it to 4 lines, change it once a week, and create a
scrolling window.

Uh...  foobar, thats you dear!

references: read the group comp.lists, look for netiquette, etc.

Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530                   (516) 663-1170
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
                                 markd at adelphi.UUCP  or  mark at promark.UUCP
                      UUCP:	 uunet!mimsy!rutgers!columbia!adelphi!markd

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